ThePedalGuy VLOG Pedals and Synths Vinicius Electrik Lizard and NuX Mini Core Pedals
In this video, we combine the Vinicius Electrik Lizard Eurorack synth with some of our favorite NuX Mini Core pedals. Check it out!
ThePedalGuy Presents the Outlaw Effect Dumbleweed Overdrive Pedal
ThePedalGuy Presents How to Use DigiTech JamSync
Did you know that you can sync up multiple DigiTech pedals that include a JamSync port on the back? Well, in this video we show you how to set up and use JamSync in less than five minutes. We used a JamMan Express and a SDRUM. Enjoy! #dontgetpedalbored #gearporn #guitar #guitarlife #guitarpedal #studiolife #musician #guitarpedals #IGTV #thepedalguy #musiclife #pedalsandeffects #guitargear #digitech #SDRUM #JamMan
Using MIDI Clock with the Headrush Looper Board
The Headrush Looper Board is one hot solution when it comes to looping. In this video, we show you how to sync up an external MIDI sequencer to the Looper Board via MIDI Clock.
ThePedalGuy Unboxes and Demo's the Nobels ODR Mini Natural Overdrive
We finally saw this little wonder at the recent Winter NAMM show and had to give it a try. The Nobels ODR-Mini is the little brother to the ODR-1. This is a great and organic sounding overdrive that has a no brainer price of $79. Check out the video and let us know what you think.